About Us

A Sign Of Strength

Vovk is a surname of Ukrainian origin that means “wolf.” The foundation that bears the wolf’s name is built upon accounts of survival, determination, and a deep love for family and country. The stories of Ivan Vovk and Andrew Wowczuk are not only about loyalty to their beloved Ukraine; they are woven into the fabric of history and a call to action.

Vovk Crest

Help Vovk Foundation Take Small Steps to Help a Larger Cause

Our Legacy

These two remarkable individuals provided the inspiration for creating a foundation focused on positioning Ukrainians for success, stability, and growth as they transition from war to peace.

What we do

Our Focus

We’re helping Ukraine with initiatives embodying the legacy of two revered individuals and their important lifetime contributions in these areas.


Provide targeted financial support and scholarships.


Support the development of entrepreneurialism.


Promote defense and commercial innovation activities.

The Rebuild

Help restore industrial, scientific, and educational infrastructure.

Truth Seeking

Amplify the facts about Ukraine and Ukrainian Nationalism.

Nonprofit partners

Learn how Vovk Foundation is partnering with these exemplary nonprofits to deepen our connections and help effect significant change for Ukraine and Ukrainians worldwide.

Help us meet our mission.

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